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...What about HIV and AIDS ? (...What about love and romance ? - we'll come back to this one...) We fuck a lot...a lot of men and women...a lot of the time. |
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We treat every sexual partner as if they already have HIV. All diseases matter, but this is one of those without a cure, however, using this as a standard protects us from pretty much everything else. We have regular tests every four months. Since initiating the practices I will outline here, no one within the community has caught ANY sexually transmitted disease WHATSOEVER. Our practices are not perfect, but so far they work. For ten years we have worked this way, keeping up to date with transmission information, statistics and demographics, treatments and errors. When it was discovered that a spermicide (Nonoxynol 9) formerly thought to kill the HIV virus actually increased rates of infection - we stopped using it. (See XIII International AIDS Conference Report *5 : Topical Microbicides/What do the results of the COL-1492 Phase III trial mean ? www.hivinsite.com ) Using this chemical meant that we had actually put ourselves at greater risk of infection...Within the community we do not practice safe sex with each other - so how much we trust those within the circle, how seriously we take safe sex practice, and how well the system that we rely upon works is of vital import to us. We could all die. So could you. |
Below that, is HOW we do it, |
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We DO: KISSING ORAL SEX: ( male & female) VAGINAL PENETRATION: (fingers/tongues/toys/penis) We DON'T: SUCK or FUCK WITHOUT a CONDOM ANAL SEX (outside the community) |
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The HIV virus is present in ALL body fluids including saliva - there is a sliding scale of transmission likelihood's depending on what you do and how you do it... |
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Every authority agrees that the chances of getting it through kissing are minimal IF you have no mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, or open wounds like a herpes sore or cracked lips. We check the other person for these and adjust the sexual encounter accordingly - e.g. : either kiss/don't kiss/make the experience fingers only & not allowing them to kiss or go down on us/or cancel sex of any type. |
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We examine fingers and hands for cuts, hangnails and general cleanliness. We keep one of our own hands for touching the other person - male or female, and keep the other hand always for touching our own bodies. This keeps fluid swapping to an absolute minimum. We won't allow someone to touch our genitals after touching their own. This doesn't have to be laid down as a law - it's surprisingly easy to simply be aware of what hand has been where, or just control the moment so it doesn't happen by accident - especially as we put the condoms on. With a woman it's even easier to apply this. We carry an antibacterial hand wash (one that doesn't need water) all the time - we'll wash the other persons hands before they touch us, or stop to wash our own if at any point we're in doubt. |
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Gay information groups state that sucking a man's cock without taking cum into the mouth is low risk - (if you have no ulcers/bleeding gums/open wounds/etc.) cum in mouth raises the risk. Spitting and not swallowing cum does NOT protect you. It is true that the virus is fragile and would be destroyed by stomach acids, but that's not really how you catch HIV when you get a mouthful. Either way, and low risk or not - we do not suck anything without a condom. We've also learnt techniques of putting condoms on fast, discretely, in the dark - all correctly. It's also possible to put a condom onto a non-erect penis safely using our suck/stretch'n'roll method, (see later description) then holding the condom at the base at all times with the hand designated 'safe'. We always carry a mouthwash of high percentage proof alcohol. If a condom breaks in our mouth, we rinse straight away with it. |
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Here is the point at which some will disagree with our conclusions and methods. We do go down on women. We do not use a dental dam (a square of rubber that is placed over the whole vagina and you lick through it) There is quantitatively less virus present in vaginal juices than in male cum and pre-cum. Oral sex on a woman is lower risk than oral sex on a man. The risk is not the same, it is very low - but there is risk. This is what we do - we try to minimise our intake of cunt juices. We stay on the clit rather than eating everywhere - no deep kissing up inside, no licking asshole, no oral at all if she is having a period. |
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Physically it is easier for a woman to catch HIV from a man, than a man to catch it from a woman because of entry points - every sexual act of any description will always result in microscopic tears of the vaginal mucous membranes. This means that, simply because of the type of skin that our cunts and cocks are made of, that there is a far greater surface area to the vagina inside and out that can be the access point for the virus. Not to mention the cervix - which is the entrance to the womb up inside. Sperm is meant to shoot up inside here and fertilise an egg - this means that the whole area is prime for the virus too. During a period, it becomes even more unsafe for both the woman and the man. She is raw inside the womb, and he is bathed in even more potentially HIV fluid than usual. We never have penetration without a condom - but we also never fuck without a diaphragm in place - this is a rubber dome that fits over the cervix up inside. We always carry a vaginal douche consisting of dilute Dettol. This is not a practice endorsed by the makers of this product, but was traditionally used after the war by prostitutes against other venereal diseases - until the church forced chemists not to sell it to women, it radically cut the post-war VD epidemic. It kills everything, including all the good bacteria within the vagina, and in it's strong form can strip your flesh so raw that you are back at risk. We only use it if a condom breaks, and we use it FAST, wasting no time with no explanations until afterwards. The diaphragm is left in at this point, not removed, then another rinse with plain water. We don't carry on with vaginal sex after this happens ! |
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The highest risk practice is anal sex without a condom. The rectum is essentially designed for absorption, and it's mucous membranes are delicate - plus with the low fibre Western diet most men and women have a raw or cut anus/rectal passage. So we don't have anal sex outside the community. We don't take fingers or tongues without the described checklist for fingers and tongues, and we don't rim other people, male or female. That's a basic run down - keep reading a little longer then we'll get back to the pictures... |
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