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Lets drop the culturally habitual responses, the knee-jerk reflex - why do you constrain your sexual experience to male/female, binary monogamous, same age group, same colour, same level of attractiveness, same positions - both sexual and social ?

If you shut your eyes it all feels good - therefore sex isn't truly about or based solely upon physical attraction...

The totally random interaction of the Golden and Platinum Condom Awards are our Rockbitch expression of this part of our belief system. To whatever degree we may be censored on-stage, it is not yet illegal to take a sexual partner.

Within the normal community life are other forms of it - sexual charity, if you like, although we do not see it that way.

It is not pity or condescending magnanimity that motivates us to break the barriers between moral definitions by having sex with the very old, the very ugly, the very disabled...those that 'normal' people find uncomfortable to even think of having sexual needs or urges.

Sex is an art form, and human right.

To say 'I' or 'me' in any context is to use an analogue. 'I' does not exist as the self who thinks, speaks, or acts day to day.

Everything you do, every thought, opinion and reaction is pre-programmed by whatever is the dominant power or philosophy of your culture and age. You have no choices, your actions and reactions predetermined by fashion - in the historical sense.

There isn't a single constant taboo throughout human history - not murder, not incest, not obscenity, nor desire - this shows that you are a child of the age you are born in - that nothing is innate.

You are the product of your environment - tabula rasa - etched and re-etched...but sex is a return to innocence.

Religion is the fundamental tenet of civilisation - it proscribes life to be a transitory phase to be repeated, or endured in accord with, and to the standards of Belief - as an element of the struggle to become one with the Divine.

Civilisation is not yet mature - we are not in a natural state of being. Elements are missing. Understanding sex would balance our technology.

Humankind are beasts like any other - cows eat grass - it is what they are supposed to do ! A new-born child is innocent because it has not yet been taught to deny it's nature. A girl-child can orgasm in the womb.

Don't make stupid extrapolations , don't deliberately or unwittingly jump to conclusions from these statements, think rather than react....

- For instance humans, like all animals have a potential for violence inherent within them - It can manifest itself in sex - it does with many other species, too! So find partner who truly likes to dominate or be dominated - there's a plug for every socket and if we were culturally open about this stuff then the ugly misogyny and fear/power explosion of rape would be a matter for the history books.

...Embrace the physical.
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