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...although if you need a reason to fuck, you are probably
beyond any help or understanding !
(We WILL get on to love later - promise !)

...................................What is the point at which you pass
from LUST to DISGUST...and why ?...................................

Expanding one's concept of sex should be the aim, and pinnacle of experience and consciousness.

Female sexuality separates us from the animals - we have no mating season, we are always functionally 'on heat'. Combine this with the primary sexual organ of both sexes - the brain - the result is that our sexual capacity is not simply a biological imperative, not just necessary to reproduction and survival of the species.

Ants are not industrious and hard working - it's simply their nature, what they do...we paste human attributes over them to justify our nine-to-five work ethic.

It is our nature - especially women with their sexual capabilities, to FUCK, and COME and MASTURBATE - a lot.

Ignoring the practical dangers of Sexually Transmitted Disease's for just one moment, and the 'God-doesn't-like-it' stick that we are beaten with - why don't we do it in the road ?

...a lot has changed since that was first asked, but let's keep taking it as a serious question.

The moment we realise that there is not a halting point for what we could be experiencing - sex to the nth degree - an internal door slams shut.

You know, "Beware of the slippery slope of sexual depravity !" - where will it all end ?...more importantly - why should it ?

By the way - this is the moment where women join the community and men run away - fantasy made flesh is far more frightening than they imagine it to be ! ...And the Golden Condom Award ? - roughly 50/50 split men and women catch it - we've never had a woman back out, but at least half of the men panic saying they thought it was a gimmick, that they didn't believe we'd go through with it !

Sex and Death are the two fundamental human experiences - and so all religious doctrine is concerned with them.

All religions to a greater or lesser degree can be defined as ASCETIC or TANTRIC.

Asceticism resists the body, Tantrism embraces it...Sex is God. Don't believe me? How were you 'created'?
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