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Other perspectives, Rockbitch are just a bunch of birds who have sex with each other on stage... or that it's another shoddy chapter in the history of an industry reliant on gimmicks, packaging and selling empty rebellion to the braying herd... or misguided deviants destroying the achievements of the women's movement... or terrible musicians hiding their lack of skill.

Whatever your perspective, positive or negative - still, do you truly expect all men to react "yeah, pussy !", and all women to react "disgusting" ?

...and who cares about the music anyway ? Let's find out...

Within this site will be varied resources, both in response to our fans & requests for details from the curious, and also because information is a force for change, both individually and socially...
...I believe that our community has something unique in this age, something essentially female and relevant to us all, but not unobtainable...

Here is a place for us to give details about the why's and wherefore's of our life and stage performances, details that will not appear in magazines or media.

A chance to co-ordinate our fanbase into becoming a pressure on the authorities, and to move the dumb unprotesting herd who don't notice that the rights they take for granted are often simply beads for the natives.

Here will be intimate information on the band members, explanations and histories of the band and music...details about the community - it's rituals, customs and pastimes...interview and magazine archives...The Condom e-mails both supportive and hostile - for you to draw your own conclusions.

Here will be windows and doorways into our particular Craft - look through or walk through...leave your morals outside.

Become a member of the INNER CIRCLE - an initiated HOLY WHORE of the ancient traditions, or a genuine SON OF THE BITCH.

Finally, we have the Agony Bitch. Got a problem ? Need advice ? Nice Bitch & Nasty Bitch will tell you what you do & don't want to hear...

Sometimes Rockbitch are trying to comment on and change the very forces that mould us all as individuals and intimately affect everyone - the current and historical view of sex and women... What better and more appropriate (given the history of rock music) method to use than through music and popular culture ?
...And sometimes we're just a group of girls with a kicking riff having a shit hot time...

Human sexuality is a complex issue, and that of women specifically has been misdefined in many ways throughout Western culture - from demonic to non-existent... as musicians and artists it is our source of energy, and our inspiration.

Sex is Holy to us - if you do just want flesh, tits and cunts - then you are most welcome here... if you want information, truth - which is also sacred - I hope you find what you're looking for.

Apparent contradictions are not always so...

Love & filth,

Back to previous page PHOTO CREDITS:

Thorsten Eichhorst (1,2,4)
Phillipe Serieys (5)
Wim Van De Hulst (7)
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